Endangered Species – Flora & Fauna

The Nelson Aggregate limestone quarry that was proposed for Burlington in 2004 was denied in October 2012 by the Joint ERT/OMB. The denial was a first on the Niagara Escarpment. The primary reason for the Joint Board’s denial was to protect the Jefferson Salamander, an endangered species, and its habitats.

 In the early days of this new quarry application, there were no significant wetlands, no significant woodlands, no Jefferson Salamanders…Not! No one had done comprehensive ecological field work of this area for decades. 

P.E.R.L. (Protecting Escarpment Rural Lands) decided early on that good decisions are based on good science and a full understanding of the facts, and tested by expert peer reviews.

The Mount Nemo area residents (Burlington, Ont.) were aware of the presence of salamanders. Were they the Jefferson species? Were the area wetlands “significant”? What of the woodlands?

We needed answers. 

PERL requested that the Ministry of Natural Resources conduct studies to determine the presence of salamanders, and identify the type. A Jefferson Salamander Recovery Team was in place at the MNR so PERL members reached out to that team. After conducting salamander surveys at potential breeding ponds the MNR confirmed the presence of breeding Jefferson Salamanders and Species at Risk habitat.

PERL hired a wetland biologist and his team to conduct a wetland assessment, using the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System, on all of the wetlands in and around the subject area. The finding was that the wetlands met the criteria as “significant”. After many months of review the Ministry of Natural resources confirmed the findings and designated the Grindstone Creek Headwaters Wetland Complex as Provincially Significant.

Concurrently, the Halton Region was amending its Official Plan. ROPA 38 included new policies for Natural Heritage Systems (NHS). A number of environmental groups advocated for its passage. ROPA 38 was adopted and later approved, including the Natural Heritage System policies and maps outlining key natural heritage features, including wetlands and woodlands.
