Dust and Silica

Dust and Silica   AND  Safety Data Sheet (SDS)


Now the original AGRA Dust Study (which was pretty much echoed by the Pinchin presentation at the Meridian public information meeting) was also an integral and mandatory part of the Westhaven Drive Subdivision approval process.

Without going into the questionable AGRA theoretical modelling details, we refer you instead to the same arguments and uncertainties of Predictive Modelling (aka GIGO) that we used to question the ‘integrity’ of the SS Wilson Noise StudyIt appears that Agra used the same Operational Plan as SS Wilson so the same arguments are relevant!

We do, however, have MANY other professional opinions that totally disagree with Meridian’s ‘experts’, for example, a 40-year expert in the Air Pollution control business states “… the expansion of a quarry operation that will create excessive air pollution … “.   We also point out the 30 LOCAL professionals (MD / Scientists / etc.) also expressed, in an open letter, their deepest concerns about the potential carcinogenic health risks that the quarry may present.

Because of the potentially serious health issues that this quarry dust can cause a PEER REVIEW of the AGRA Dust Study by an INDEPENDENT consultant not ‘aligned’ to the aggregates is ABSOLUTELY essential – certainly Good Neighbors would do that!



The SDS includes information such as the properties of each chemical; the physical, health, and environmental health hazards; protective measures; and safety precautions for handling, storing, and transporting the chemical – READ the Meridian SDS –  IT IS REVEALING!



It is of concern that in all our meetings and communications no agency (City or Provincial) has EVER provided us with a comprehensive plan as to how the proposed quarry expansion will be MONITORED with respect to NOISE and DUST in order to ensure compliance to local, provincial, and federal guidelines. 

In fact, last summer a resident noted substantial red dust on their patio furniture and called the MOECC asking them to come and analyze a sample for toxic material – they are still waiting for the MOECC to come!  Is this what we can expect? Is this what we have to “live with”?  



In the September 2015 meeting the quarry owners said, when being asked about the dust monitoring, that they would employ a ‘bucket on a stick’ approach. Here a number of buckets with holes in them would be suspended by sticks and they would be located in the quarrying area.  Every ‘now and then’ they will be monitored by the quarry employees for dust residue (volume NOT content) – hard to believe!

To our knowledge the City, the Mayor, Meridian, our Councillor, our MPP, the MNRF, and the MOECC have not put forth any comprehensive plan that we have seen for particulate monitoring yet our health could be at stake!

The MOECC have only I permanent Air Quality Monitoring Station (AQMS) in Burlington and that is more than 4 Kilometers from the Meridian quarrying operation – not much relevance for Tyandaga residents there!

Professional air quality ‘stations’ (not virtual stations) need to be installed in the east quarry and in the adjacent populated area and these should be independently analyzed and the results published on a regular basis

Succinctly, it appears that no agency (the City, MOECC, MNRF, MPP, etc.) is willing to provide any tangible information or provide any assurance with respect to the DUST and NOISE monitoring – this is VERY disturbing and contrary to their responsibility as Public Officials.