We need, at a minimum, to have the MNRF decision (to issue the original quarry license) to be re-evaluated in the light of the ‘HERE and NOW - 2017’.  We appreciate that the MNRF does not have a history of reviewing their decisions but in this case we believe that the area under question has undergone such a dramatic change in the last FORTY-FIVE YEARS with the enormous growth in industry, schools, residences, traffic, etc. that it would warrant an exception to their rule.  There is also reason to believe that there are endangered species that were not identified in the original quarry request.  Essentially, Forterra has become an urban quarry in a pristine area of Burlington.  To give you a perspective of the passage of time since the MNRF decision we present below some of the important events from 45 years ago


  1. Yearly Inflation Rate USA 3.27%
  2. Yearly Inflation Rate UK 6.4%  
  3. Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average 1020
  4. Average Cost of new house $27,550.00
  5. Average Income per year $11,800.00
  6. Average Monthly Rent $165.00
  7. Terrorists hold nine live Israeli hostage
  8. Cost of a gallon of Gas 55 cents
  9. Richard Nixon announces he will resign
  10. Vice President Ford sworn in as President


  1. Paul Henderson scores the "goal of the century"
  2. The World Hockey Association begins
  3. Global Television begins broadcasting in Ontario
  4. Heritage Canada is established
  5. Federal election: Pierre Trudeau's Liberals win
  6. Lieutenant Governor – William Ross Macdonald
  7. The "member" level of the Order of Canada is created
  8. The Churchill Falls hydro-electric facility opens
  9. The Parliamentary Flag Program begins
  10. Lester B. Pearson dies